Thursday, January 29, 2015

January eNews

Happy 2015!

Resolve to start a healthier you - we can help with our top five tips for clean and green living!  

1.  Keep it Real when it comes to food.  

We are avid label-readers, so you can shop easily knowing that all of our grocery items are free of any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.  Stocking organic and non-GMO grocery and produce is a priority, so we can say, "don't panic - it's organic!"

2.  Keep Moving to keep warm & burn calories.

Stay on the ball - literally - with a Balance Ball Chair from Gaiam.  Designed to help with posture,  the ergonomic design is actually very comfortable and allows for improved circulation. Plus it doubles as a piece of exercise equipment so you can gently work your legs and keep moving while you sit.  
We use the adjustable style in the Wellness Center entryway, so feel free to have a seat and give it a try! 

Available by special order in two styles, $79.99 for the Classic and $99.99 for Custom Fit (with adjustable legs and back support). Custom Fit chair also includes an air pump and a DVD with three 20 minute workouts.  

Moving is a great way to stay healthy, but for those who want an extra metabolism boost to burn fat, there's fücoTHIN® GREEN by Garden of Life

It's the first 100% natural, RAW, Whole Food supplement to combine the fat burning power and glucose support of two clinically studied, non-stimulant, natural thermogenics: Xanthigen® (RAW, Concentrated Fucoxanthin) and Svetol® (RAW, Naturally Decaffeinated Green Coffee Bean Extract).

Xanthigen® (RAW, Concentrated Fucoxanthin from Brown Seaweed and Pomegranate Seed Oil): Non-stimulant, natural fat burner, clinically studied to boost metabolism, minimizing fat storage and increasing lean body mass without causing jitters.  Plus, the brown seaweed contains trace amounts of naturally occuring iodine.

Svetol® (RAW, Naturally Decaffeinated Green Coffee Bean Extract): Clinically studied, non-stimulant, natural fat burner with 50% Chlorogenic Acid for powerful support of healthy blood sugar levels. 
With an added 250mg of vegan cold pressed Omega-rich Flax Seed Oil, this has some good fats your body needs too.  For a limited time, this 90 vegan capsule combo is on sale just $39.99! ($10 savings).

3.  Minimize Harmful or Toxic Exposure.

Although it's a beautiful world, when you look closely, it seems hidden toxins abound.  No worries though, when you know what to avoid, you can reduce their impact. 
If you're reading this, chances are you know that eating organic, non-GMO food is a good way to minimize pesticide intake, and sticking with glass and BPA-free plastics for food storage can also help reduce bisphenol-A exposure.  

Perhaps you are also mindful of beauty products that absorb through our skin, knowing to be aware of parabens and aluminum in deodorants, endocrine-disruptors in fragrance of body products, and heavy metals in makeup.  

It may surprise you that common cleaners may contain formaldehyde-releasing chemicals, even if formaldehyde is not a listed ingredient.  If you want to check on some brands of body care products or cleaners that may be in your cabinets, SkinDeep is a fantastic resource to help consumers make informed choices.  

Shopping with us just saves time because we've already done the research on the personal care products and cleaners that are on our shelves, with a wide variety of fragrance-free options for those with sensitivities.    

Another potential hazard that not many people think about is radiation from high electromagnetic frequencies.  Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports on cell phones and radiation in this "CNN Explains" video.  

It's true that all of our electronic devices do give off some kind of radiation, but none used as frequently and in close contact with our bodies as cell phones.  Even cell phone manufacturers recommend that users hold phones at least 5 inches away from heads while using.  

That's where devices like Waveshield and LifeBlueTube come in to reduce EMFs from reaching our inner ear without interrupting the signal.  Waveshield attaches inconspicuously to any phone and is proven to block up to 97% of EMFs from the inner ear, a bargain at only $19.99.  

BlueTube is a headset which allows wearers to use their cell phones with NO harmful EMF radiation to the brain.  The air-filled tube headset plugs into either a standard 3.5 or 2.5mm jack and allows excellent sound quality.  Prices range from $32.99-$44.99 depending on the style. 

4.  Clean up & Clean out. 

As best as we try, it's virtually impossible to avoid toxins completely, so that's where we can assist our cleansing organs to release them and flush them out.  There are varied ways to do that, but here are a few suggestions:

Renew Life Cleanses - Get your gut bacteria to work for you, while utilizing herbal combinations to support your cleansing organs, and acacia fiber to help "sweep" the bowels and move waste out.  Find targeted cleanses plus the Skinny Gut program shakes on display.  

Foot Spa Detox - More than relaxing, this ionic foot bath causes a "super sweat" where your body can naturally sweat out cellular waste.  After a quick 30-45 minute session with Suzan, you'll be surprised at the coloration of your foot bath water!

Nasopure - Known as "the nicer neti", this nasal irrigation system has been shown to remove irritants, allergens and harmful bacteria around the nose.  With proper use, nasal washing can help soothe sinus membranes and keep you breathing easier. 

For those who can't use nasal irrigation, Xlear Xylitol saline spray also helps moisturize nasal cavities while the keeping harmful bacteria down.  On sale for just $9.99!  

5.  Rest, Rejuvinate & Feel Beautiful!

Time to pamper yourself!  Dry Skin brushing is a simple way to remove dead skin cells while stimulating circulation.  With increased blood flow, your body can discharge metabolic wastes more readily, and the appearance of cellulite is decreased.  We have natural tampico fiber bristle brushes with a detachable long handle for just $11.99 (Made in the USA).

Whiter teeth is a reason to smile more!  Get results with Dale Audrey's White2Nite Teeth Whitener Pen.  Now available in flavors Chocolate Mint and Strawberry, in addition to classic peppermint.  Watch how easy it is

There are lots of ways to relax, rejuvenate and refresh yourself, but if you’ve never been in a Vitamin D tanning bed before, you’ll want to spend a few minutes in our Dr. Mercola Vitality bed. Aside from just a great way to avoid the winter blues, it will help your skin produce Vitamin D naturally, just enough for a healthy glow.  Red and blue light in the 633 nm range is actually collagen-stimulating to promote more youthful skin!  Find pricing here and even a coupon on our website

If you need some winter relief and can't jet set to Hawaii, a bit of dry brushing, some time in the tanning bed, or a leisurely bathtub soak is within reach.  The Hawaii trip and private soak are all up to you, but do drop us a postcard.  We love to hear about it…
Ah, the trip that is.  

Cheers to a Healthy New Year!

Sharing Organic Beef 
Our grocery manager, Melissa is seeking buyers to share a quarter of local, organic beef (approx. 180 pounds) from Zimbas Farm (processed at C-Roys).  We will be taking pre-orders in January-February for a delivery at the end of February/early March.  

Pricing is not yet determined and will vary based on the cut of meat, but ground beef will be less than $8.99/lb (current price).  There will be a 20% bulk discount off retail for those who order 10# or more (mixed cuts are OK). If interested or have questions, please call or email Melissa with with the cuts and approximate weight you desire.

HERB of the MONTH: Cinnamon
Sensational Cinnamon – an aromatic spice that’s not just for baking

Benefits:  This anti-microbial, anti-bacterial warming spice is thought to improve immune function, promote a healthy cardiovascular system and to be a brain booster.
There are over a dozen species of cinnamon trees.  Cinnamon was a valuable commodity throughout the ages, highly prized for its healing, food and wine flavor contributions, and use in mummification.

Cinnamon’s properties reduce bacterial growth and can be helpful when experiencing a touch of food poisoning, stomach flu or excess bloating and gas.  Research has found cinnamon effective in fighting many strains of yeast infections, including:  Candida Albicans, Candida Krusei , Candida Orthopsilosis, Candida Parapsilosis, and Candid Tropicalis. (1,2,3) Cinnamon assists in blood circulation, and cinnamon oil has been found to boost brain function.  

Healthy Habitz 4 Life carries three kinds of Cinnamon in our bulk herbs section:

  • Cinnamon Verum or Ceylon is grown in Sri Lanka, Indai, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean and only the thin inner bark is used which has a light brown color and a subtle flavor.
  • Cinnamon Cassia is grown in Vietnam, China and Indonesia and has a strong, tangy bite to its flavor.  All bark layers are used resulting in a deep rich color.
  • Vietnamese or Saigon Cinnamon (Cinnamon loureiroi) is more closely related to the Cassia variety than Ceylon, and has the highest cinnamaldehyde in essential oil content of the three, giving it a more pronounced, complex aroma. 

Cinnamon is a good source of manganese, fiber and calcium.  Ceylon cinnamon has less coumarin naturally and is the better choice for people with liver issues.

Our food grade quality Young Living Cinnamon Oil is harvested from Cinnamon Verum or Ceylon Cinnamon.  Use it to enhance your cooking, baking, mix it into your massage lotions to create a soothing, relaxing, stimulating sensation, and add it to your diffuser to give an aromatic spa-like therapy experience for your home or workplace.

Sardi, J. C., Almeida, A. M. & Mendes Giannini, M. J. (2011). New
antimicrobial therapies used against fungi present in subgingival sites
– a brief review. Arch Oral Biol 56, 951–959.

Cruz, M. C., Santos, P. O., Barbosa, A. M., Jr, de Me´ lo, D. L., Alviano,
C. S., Antoniolli, A. R., Alviano, D. S. & Trindade, R. C. (2007).
Antifungal activity of Brazilian medicinal plants involved in popular
treatment of mycoses. J Ethnopharmacol 111, 409–412.

Pires, R. H., Montanari, L. B., Martins, C. H., Zaia, J. E., Almeida, A. M.,
Matsumoto, M. T. & Mendes-Giannini, M. J. (2011b). Anticandidal
efficacy of cinnamon oil against planktonic and biofilm cultures of
Candida parapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosis. Mycopathologia 172,

Wellness Center

Bailey Minkler, CMT - By Appointment

Muscles knotted from shoveling snow? Try a full body massage.  It will increase circulation, ease those shoulder and back muscles. 

Bailey will be here for walk-in chair massage on the 13th, 3-7pm or she'll be available on these days for a full body massage, so make your appointment now!

Tina Serra 
Tuesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm
$5* (First time visitors and Essential Rewards under HH4L get in Free)

What makes Young Living oils so special?  As far as quality, you can be confident that you are getting a pure, therapeutic-grade oil.  This means that they are distilled at proper temperatures to maximize their medicinal properties, ie. maintain the chemical components that give the plant its unique essence.  Other oils - even if they are food grade - can contain synthetic pesticides, extenders or carriers.  Non-food grade oils may contain solvents which produce more yield, but sacrifice quality.  

Learn firsthand what these oils can do for you. 
Coming up in January:
13  All About Thieves!
20  Ningxia Red Benefits
27  ART Skincare System

January CALENDAR   View Online
13  20% Off Tuesday!
21-26  Snowfest

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