Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Springs Anew

Easter Greetings

Hop on in Easter Sunday, as we will be open for the first time ever this year! But beforehand, fill those baskets with dairy-free, vegan, organic chocolate by Sjaak's

Don't settle for those waxy, old chocolates that taste like the Easter bunny's been hiding them for a year (you know the ones). Sjaak's milk chocolate eggs and almond butter-filled bunnies will be a delightful break from the norm. NEW LOW PRICES!  

Plus, find all manner of organic, non-dairy, gluten-free, nut-free, vegetarian sweets like Yummy Earth candies, Tasty Brand gummies, and Surf Sweets jelly beans!

Earth Day Celebration!

April 22nd marks Earth Day's 45th anniversary this year!  It is a time to reflect on how we can responsibly use our natural resources, while minimizing our output of toxic chemicals or greenhouse gases.  As individuals, small changes in routines can cumulatively have a big impact.  It can be as simple as picking up trash in your neighborhood park or roadside, or finding a spot to plant a tree or native plants in your community or own backyard.  

Bearing in mind that our household cleaners rinsed down the drain end up going out to our streams, rivers, and eventually our Great Lakes, so make a responsible choice with "green" cleaners, without harsh chemicals.

But it's not just about the outdoors - the INDOOR environment is just as important to your health, if not moreso.  After all, it is where most people spend 90% of their time.  In fact the EPA estimates that indoor air pollutants are 2-5 times (sometimes 100 times) higher indoors than the outdoors.  This is due to a variety of factors, some of which may be out of your immediate control, but buying cleaning products IS under your control.  

Beware of deceptive, green-washed brands that advertise "natural scent" or just have "green" in the name.  Manufacturers sometimes selectively share ingredient info, not listing all the ingredients on the label, but if they do - look out for these:

Phosphates – cause algae proliferation in bodies of water, killing marine life
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE's) – cause reproductive defects, liver and kidney damage


Volatile organic compounds (VOC's), including 1,4-dichlorobenzene – cause nose and throat irritation, dizziness, asthma
Glycol ethers
Phthalates – cause sperm damage and reproductive defects in boys

We carefully choose products that we know work and work well  - we use many of them to clean the store!  Plus, they are at a reasonable price for the quality, and do NOT contain petroleum distillates such as benzene, or 1,4 dioxane, or other harsh chemicals listed above.

Some of our favorite brands include:

Better Life
ECOS Earth Friendly
Grab Green
pHurity Cleaners

Save 15% on all the cleaners, laundry soaps, recycled/renewable paper products, and bioplastics 

April 19-25th only!

Did you know that bioplastics use things like corn starch and vegetable oils instead of petroleum to make plates, utensils, and other things that get thrown away.  Not only do the bioplastics reduce our dependence on oil, they are also designed to be biodegradable. 

While we try to keep the spirit of Earth Day Every Day, we want to extend it to a week long savings event!

Watch DIRT! THE MOVIE on Earth Day April 22 in the Wellness Center

Get your hands dirty and dig into the ways dirt is the foundation for life: by feeding us, giving us shelter, holding and cleaning the water, even regulating the climate! 

With a little humor, this thought-provoking movie takes a deeper look at the earth beneath our feet.  Narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis, DIRT! THE MOVIE tells the story of humans trying to reconnect to dirt - the living skin of the earth.  

We'll be showing the 80 minute film at 10am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm.  Admission is Free!  


Who doesn't like to try it before you buy it?  In each department, expect to find a few different product samples for "Try It Tuesday" on the last Tuesday in April.  

Featuring both in-store samples, like a ready made gluten-free hot soup, and some things you can try at home, like supplements and shampoo packets.  

Come on in and see what's new!  If there are items that you've always wanted to try, let us know.  You might find it sampled on another "Try It Tuesday."

April is National IBS Awareness Month

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases suggest that eating smaller meals may help IBS symptoms.  IBS is a group of symptoms that effects over 30 million  people in the USA.  The MayoClinic says that symptoms can vary from person to person but often include abdominal pain, cramping, a bloated feeling, gas, mucus in the stool, and diarrhea or constipation, and sometimes with alternative bouts of each.  It’s important to consultant a physician when more serious symptoms such as rectal bleeding, sharpening abdominal pain and weight loss.

Mayo Clinic suggests adding more fiber.  There are two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble.  You need both.
Insoluble: bowel cleanser, more efficient bowel movements, decreases the chances of of getting constipated.  
Soluble: Great for appetite control, creates a full feeling effect.

Think of the green and yellow kitchen sponge.  The green tough side is like the insoluble fiber.  It has a scrubbing action.  Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water and have a laxative effect.  You can find insoluble fiber in brown rice, dark leafy vegetables, and root vegetable skins.  Psyllium husks and avocado have both types.  Diatomaceous earth contains a large amounts silica which is a component of insoluble fibers.

Soluble fibers absorb water, swell and turn to gel during digestion.  Prebiotics contain soluble fibers to feed the good bacteria called probiotics.  Probiotics are micro-warriors of our health.  Healthy adults have about 4 pounds of these guys in their healthy gut. 
Coffee, garlic, wheat and dairy products are common triggers for IBS.  Bland foods are not automatically safe foods for IBS sufferers.  The Low FODMAP diet is recommended, which Stanford Hospital and Clinic details hereLEARN MORE at our FODMAP Diet Class April 23 - Details below.

April Spice of the Month: Ginger
Ginger is that pungent, spicy aromatic root that adds zest to Asian dishes and has been shown to be helpful from simple indigestion to severe nausea and cramps.  Relief for morning sickness, sea sickness and post chemotherapy nausea.  Ginger has some powerful digestive enzymes in it. 

Ginger: Super digestive aid.  Anti-spasmodic, improves intestinal muscle tone and assist in preventing vomiting.  Used for gas, colic and loss of appetite.  Ginger contains several chemicals which are used in antacids, laxatives and anti-gas medications.
Ginger is available in many forms.  Dried in our bulk section, crystallized ginger, powder, teas, and supplements, candies, cookies, and in sauces. 

All of us could benefit from treating our gut with care, whether you have IBS, food intolerance, or just a sensitive stomach.  In addition, ginger, peppermint, chamomile, and fennel can help prevent pain, spasms and bloating.  Of the many herbs that can be used to combat the discomfort of IBS, Ginger is our pick for herb of the month.

NEW ITEMS - Expo West Finds

Direct from the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA, our buyers brought back suitcases full of ideas and new products that we think our customers will love!  There are too many to list here, but a few have arrived or or coming soon that are perfect for spring.  So come in to see for yourself!

Himalaya Supplements

Nubian Heritage deodorants

Pacifica Nail Polish

KeriCure's Natural Seal Liquid Bandage (click for coupon!)

(coming soon) Karma Naturals Nail Polish Remover 

(coming soon) Back to the Roots - Grow Your Own Mushroom kit and Herb Garden in a can


Natural Family Planning with Kayla Henige, CPhT, FCPI
We are happy to welcome Kayla as a Certified Pharmacy Technician and Fertility Care Practitioner Intern, providing women with a way to "unravel the mysteries and unleash the power of their cycle."  

If you have experienced disruptive hormonal abnormalities, you are not alone!  With real problems like infertility, PMS, menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, postpartum depression, hormonal imbalance has a real impact on daily life.
Utilizing the Creighton Model Fertility Care System, and NaPro Technology, these systems networks family planning with reproductive and gynecologic health monitoring and maintenance.

Instead of modern techniques that can be invasive and work to suppress or destroy the natural menstrual and fertility cycle, the Creighton Model works cooperatively with these cycles.

This technology is morally acceptable to people of all faiths, as it maintains the integrity of the whole person, and respects the dignity of women and of marriage.  Whether a couple is looking to achieve or avoid pregnancy, Kayla will help guide you through the process that has a 96% user effectiveness and 98.6% method effectiveness overall.

Meet with Kayla for an hour long introductory session for only $12.50!  
Initial Materials: $35
Each Follow-up Appointment:  $20
Pregnancy Evaluation:  $25
Contact us for a complete list of her affordable client services.

Bio-Identical Hormones with Dr. Strauchman of the 
Natural Wellness & Pain Relief Center

HH4L Wellness Center
Sat. April 18
10 - 11 am 

*Contact us to register*
Moodiness, depression, anxiety, "brain fog", migraines, hot flashes.  We know the common symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but what is lesser known is the underlying cause and how to correct that imbalance. 

“Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of outside factors and lifestyle choices. Chemicals in our makeup, toxins in our air and water, preservatives in our foods, and heavy metal exposure can all contribute to hormonal imbalances."  Read more here

Welcome back Dr. Strauchman as she illuminates this tricky topic, as well as possible treatment options.

"My goal for each patient that I see is to figure out not just what is wrong, but also why it’s going wrong. That way I can correct the underlying cause of the symptom and keep it from coming back. This is the true essence of preventive medicine"

IBS Class:  Explaining the FODMAP Diet 
with Suzan Moody
Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 to 7:30pm.  
Sign up by Monday April 20th to reserve your spot.
$5 class fee, with $5 coupon towards any fiber, targeted herbal, or probiotic product.

The challenge is finding an acceptable fiber intake without experiencing debilitating abdominal pain and bloating, and frantic dashes to the toilet. Sometimes focusing on fiber alone doesn't address the removal of potential trigger foods from the diet.  Learn how to personalize the FODMAP diet strategies for you and your system.
Find out why eating for IBS is very INDIVIDUALIZED.

Young Living Essential Oil Classes
With Tina Serra or Marie Koch
Tuesdays   5:30-6:30pm
$5 or Free for Essential Rewards members
April 7    All About Thieves
April 14  NingXia Red Benefits
April 21  Summer Fun with Oils
April 28  Skin Care & Personal Products

5     Easter Sunday (OPEN)
14   20% Off Tuesday
18   Dr. Strauchman Talk: Bio-Identical Hormones
19-25  Earth Day Celebration Week
23   IBS Class- FODMAP Diet
28  Try It Tuesday

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